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EBV Homeopathic Formula - 2 oz.

EBV Homeopathic Formula - 2 oz.

$ 15.00

This is the EBV formula that is a part of the EBV set (the homeopathic and herbal formula mix). I encourage others to make their own herbal formula tea so they can make it at a lower price and use it more consistently because of the lower cost. 

This homeopathic remedy has been carefully formulated and consists of many homeopathic ingredients that may help with the temporary relief of symptoms associated with EBV.

Because EBV is so prevalent and may be a serious underlying threat to our foundational health, a formula in homeopathic form, may be the best way to go, in addition to other supportive herbs and/or supplements to help with the relief of EBV symptoms. (See link at the bottom of this info.)

Ingredients for the homeopathic remedy include: 

Ingredients: Isatis, Lomatium, Arsenicum Album (6x, 15x, 28x), Carduus Mar 9X, Canadensis9X, Dulcamara 9X, Gallium 9X, Mag Mur 9X, Nat Sulph 9X,  Viscum 9X, Muriaticum Ac 9X,Folliculinum 11X,  Alanthus 15X, Baryta Mur 15X, Cadmium met 15X, Ceanothus 15X,Cocculus 15X, Iridium 15X, ThujaOcc 15X, Cinchona 15X, Calc Carb 15X, Crotalus 15X,Echinacea Aug 6X,  Echinacea Purp 6X, Hydrastis Can 6X, Populus Cand 6X, Kali Bich 7X, Mercurius Sol 12X, Hepar Sulph Calc 9X, purified water, 10% alcohol

Use this formula along with the EBV tea (recipe coming soon!) as a preventative measure or use it as part of an in-depth protocol for EBV if dealing with an active infection. 

Here's a printable information sheet for addressing EBV as a preventative measure or for acute or chronic circumstances. 

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Seek medical care if you think you have a health condition that needs medical attention. We do not guarantee, nor do we claim, that this formula will be effective against any certain virus, illness, or condition.