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3-Week Remote Frequency Medicine Protocol

$ 45.00

This is a 3-Week Frequency Medicine Trial Program. This 3-week frequency program is to help benefit those who are wanting to boost their health, using frequency medicine, in preparation for COVID and for those who are needing support in addressing Long COVID.

** I am not making any claims that this will heal or stop COVID - or other viral - infections. I offer this unique option because in every instance I have used it, there have been positive results.

I am offering this uncommon protocol because as I research and experiment with all types of healing methods and medicines, I have found there to be consistent positive outcomes when using frequency medicine.

The "medicinal" frequencies used in this protocol will be a combination of specific frequency programs run by a device called the Healy Device. It's a device developed by Marcus Schmieke, a German quantum physicist and entrepreneur who collaborated with Nuno Nina, a Portuguese therapist and researcher, who contributed his expertise in frequency therapy and the development of specific frequency programs used in the device.

The Healy device uses bioenergetic frequencies (aka microcurrent frequencies). Some of the proponents that it works with are also scalar energy - a form of energy that is theorized to operate beyond the electromagnetic spectrum. Scalar energy (also known as Tesla waves or scalar waves) is said to be a type of energy field that exists naturally in the universe and can potentially affect healing and balance in the body.

The Healy device is programmed with various frequencies that resonate with different parts of the body or address different health concerns. The idea is that specific frequencies can help bring the body back into balance, helping to alleviate discomfort or promote overall wellness.


Starting September 17th, I'll be running specific programs for 3 hours each day, 3 days a week for 3 consecutive weeks that address supporting the cells and body regarding COVID exposure / re-circulating COVID (long COVID).

These programs will be run remotely. Running it "remotely" means that frequency-based therapies are run without the need for physical proximity to the device. These remote programs leverage the concept of quantum entanglement, where the user's information is said to be linked with the Healy's quantum sensor, allowing frequency applications to be administered at a distance.

(The way I do this is I place the printed information - including a photo, name and the birth date - of the person(s) I'm running the protocols for next to the device and then run the specific programs or protocols for the desired result.) (See image above - photos of people in the image have been purposefully blurred to protect their privacy.)

I will be running specific programs on each of the three days that have been developed to help:

  • Prepare the body and cells for healing/harmonization
  • Address the pathogens and affected organs using a Healy frequency protocol I purchased from an N.D. in England
  • Support the body with cleansing/detoxing
  • Protect the body/cells from other harmful frequencies including EMF's and negative energies directed at the body

So specific frequencies will be run each day to:

  • Prepare the cells.
  • Address the issues.
  • Support the systems.
  • And Protect the cells and the body.

Each day, before running the frequencies, an email will be sent to everyone participating in this 3-week protocol to let you know that I'm starting the frequencies for that day. 

The days each of the programs will be running are as follows:

September 17th, 18th, 19th
September 24th, 25th, 26th
October 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Please do the following after you've purchased this protocol:

After making your purchase, you'll need to email the following information to

** Write: "Frequency Program Information" in the email subject line and share the following information in the email:

  • Your name
  • A photo of yourself
  • Your birth date

** If it's your entire family, send a photo of your entire family, including names of each family member, and the birth date of each person. 

The "Family" option includes: you, your spouse, and your immediate children only - having their permission to have me run the frequencies for them.

Note: I DO NOT share any of the information or photos that you share with me with anyone else. Our birth dates are time stamps of when we entered this earth life and help to make the frequency more clear as to who it's going to. If you don't want to share birth dates - you don't have to. It would still be effective even with just the name and photo of the person. 

** These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Seek medical care if you think you have a health condition that needs medical attention. We do not guarantee, nor do we claim, that this formula will be effective against any certain virus, illness, or condition.