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Anti-Viral SET

Anti-Viral SET

$ 30.00

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Set of both Anti-Viral Formulas to hit the body on both a physical and energetic level to be as effective as possible for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with viral infections including colds and flu's. Can be used as a support for both preventative measures and for active infections. 

Set includes both the Anti-Viral Herbal Formula and the Anti-Viral Homeopathic Formula. Each of these bottles is a 2 oz bottle. 

Info for Anti-Viral Herbal Tincture:

Ingredients: Organic: Lemon Balm, Mullein, Cat's Claw, Calendula, Red Clover, Oregon Grape Root, Licorice Root, Olive Leaf, Thyme, Plantain, Nettle. Alcohol. 

Preventative Support: Take 15 drops in water once a day.

Active Infection Support: Take 30-45 drops in water 6 x day the first day, 4 x day for 3 days after that, and 3 x day until better. 

1 bottle is enough for one active infection per person. 

Info for Anti-Viral Homeopathic Formula: 

This formula is an excellent homeopathic option for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with the flu both for preventative measures and for an active issue. 

Preventative Support: Take 15 drops in water, 20 minutes away from food or liquids, once a week. 

Active Infection Support: Take 30 drops, in water, 20 minutes away from food or liquids, 3 x day until better. 

Ingredients: Influenzinum 33X, Oscillococcinum 33X, Lomatium 30X, Arsenicum Album 30X, Echinacea 4X, Hydrastis 4X, Populus Candicans 4X, Kali Bich 8X, Merc Sol 15X, Hepar Sulph 9X, Cinchona 9X, Lodium 6X, distilled water, 20% alcohol. 

1 bottle is enough for a family of up to 8 people for preventative measures and is enough for one person for an active infection.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Seek medical care if you think you have a health condition that needs medical attention. We do not guarantee, nor do we claim, that this formula will be effective against any certain virus, illness, or condition.